We had our 14 week appointment today. After my trouble with the dr's office the other day, I was a little weary to go in today. I saw the male doctor and I really like him!! He took the time to talk to me and answer my questions. I told him I have been having trouble with feeling like I am going to pass out when standing, in the shower, and sometimes just doing whatever. He said it is b/c baby gets all the nutrients first and I get what is left over so it causes your bloddo sugar to spike and then drop quickly. He told me what kind of snacks to eat to help it and to drink lots of water, not the root beer I have been craving. We then listened to the baby's heart beat through the doppler and it sounded great. He said the baby was doing great, I was great and he would see us in 4 weeks. He also told us that with such a strong heart beat, and being in the 2nd trimester that the chance of a mis-carriage is <1% which made me feel really good.
We also were able to schedule the BIG ultrasound today. I am soo excited. It will be in 5 weeks at 19 weeks. Specifically on Sept 3rd at 9:45 a.m. We will know what the baby is right before our 1st anniversary!!! Baby is currently sitting right below my belly button and I wil be able to feel it moving in the next 3-5 weeks (in theory), I am really excited.
In house news we lowered the price again. As of today we have had 99 showings. The other houses in the neighborhood have sold for less per square foot than ours so we had to lower it to match. Hopefully we will sell the house in the next few weeks. Scott said if we sold the house then we could put a pool in the new one...come on house sell!!
The fires in L.A.
1 week ago