Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bit the Bullet

 So, I bit the bullet. I finally signed up for the FOD Support group. I had been resisting this for some reason...I think maybe because if I signed up for it and started participating in it, I finally accepted the fact that my little guy has a life long disorder. Yes, I understand that it has been almost a year since they first told us about it and his NB screening came back abnormal. But I have been on a long, and sometime dark journey since that day. To say that I didn't grieve about it would be an absolute lie. I have checked the website of the FOD Support group many times, but I just was not ready to give in and join. For the 11.5 weeks of agony that we waited to hear if Landon did indeed have VLCADD, I prayed and prayed and prayed to God that this was just all a big mix up. And then when his diagnosis came back positive for the disorder, even though it was the best possible scenario we could get other than a negative result, I was so mad at God and I blamed myself. Understand that they did tell me at least 100 times that there was nothing Scott or I did to cause him to have this disorder, it's genetic...end of story. We have been through so much the last year, myself especially on the journey of grief and acceptance that my little boy has a disorder that is life long. Having come out the other side of the depression and raw anger that followed his diagnosis I am now ready to jump in head first and do anything I can to put the test for this disorder on any and all new born screenings no only in the United States, but in the entire world. I guess you could call it my new life long goal, but I believe that by joining the FOD support group that I can help make this happen. I've probably said it a million times, but it truly is a blessing that we moved to Arizona and that Landon was born there. Had he been born in Texas, he would not have been tested for FAOD's and we would not know of his disorder, and it is very possible that when he was so sick and hospitalized in December he may not have made it. But since we were armed with all of the information and kow how on what to do should something like that occur, I have a wonderful happy and healthy one year old running around. So, I guess what this long drawn out paragraph is supposed to say is that I have finally accepted his diagnosis and I want to do something about it, and help others who will go through the same journey that my family has over the last year, and the years to come!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Landon's 1st Year

We made a picture montage of Landon's 1st year to celebrate his birthday!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday!

oday is Landon's 1st Birthday! We had a great day playing at home and then going out to dinner with Grandma and Great-Grandma! Landon had a blast today and we are looking forward to another fun year watching him grow and learn! Love you little guy.

Here is Landon's 12 month picture! I will post his 1 year professional pictures tomorrow and his 1 year stats when we get home from his pediatrician appointment.

The following are the lyrics to the song "Godspeed" by the Dixie Chicks. I refound this song when I was looking for songs to put on Landon's 1 year photo montage that I made him (I will post it as soon as I finish it with the pictures from his party and today). The lyrics I think are wonderful and really explain the love a mom has for her son.

Dragon tales and the "water is wide"
Pirate's sail and lost boys fly
Fish bite moonbeams every night
And I love you

Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams

The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, will find the mouse
And I love you

Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams

God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you

Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams

Monday, January 18, 2010

1st Birthday Party!

We had Landon's 1st Birthday Party on Saturday and we had a great time! We had so many friends and family over...there were 8 kids including Landon, and 10 adults including Scott and I! I can't wait for his birthday tomorrow, we are going to take him out to dinner and let him do whatever he wants to do tomorrow!

The shirt I had made for him from Etsy Seller Goldenshop, it came with a hat and bib too...I love how it came out.

Here is a good shot of his hat and bib that go along with his shirt, and his high chair decorations!

Landon's Birthday cake!

Shoveling the cake in as quick as he could! He takes after his mommy and loves boy.

Opening presents!

Didn't we just have Christmas?

He got a swing and slide from Scott and I! He loves to play on it, but keeps trying to go up the slide instead of the ladder, ha ha.

Janel and Simon hanging out and having fun!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Little Helper

I have a new laundry helper theses days! Landon loves to pull the clothes out of the dryer and then take off running with them! If you say "Landon where are you going?" He laughs and says "heh" and then runs faster. It's quite hillarious and a lot of fun! The other day he went to get clothes out of the dryer and they were wet, because I had just changed them over from the washing machine. He grabbed them, made a funny face and then proceeded to fuss at me and then run off! He is such a bogger and I wouldn't change it. Here are some pictures of Landon helping Scott and I with the laundry...these clothes were dry!

Pulling the clothes out of the dryer! Scott was intercepting most of the clothes before Landon ran off with them!

Playing in the dryer is lot's of fun, he really enjoys it. He comes running every time he hears the dryer door open!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Counting Down

The Birthday countdown has begun in our house. I cannot believe that my little guy will no longer be a baby a weel from tomorrow. He seems so grown up, but then again still my itty bitty guy. His party is this Saturday and we are super excited about it. We will have lots of close friends and family, and then have a small gathering on his birthday and probably go out to dinner. I talked to the Nutritionist and he is allowed to have whatever birthday foods he wants as long as he has all low fat foods the night before, the day of before the party, and then the morning after. I am so excited that he can join in all the good eating and have a "normal" birthday and party. We will definitely be posting pictures so be on the look out for them Saturday evening! We hope everyone has a great week!