How to start this blog post...Landon received the most amazing gift today, a pair of shoes. Yes, you read that right, a pair of shoes. He received a pair of Peach's Neet Feet, they are a non-profit organization that has artists that hand paint shoes for amazing children such as Landon who have terminal and life long illnesses. You can find Peach's Neet Feet Here or on Facebook Here. They do amazing work, and help children to be brave as well as reward them for the tough medical issues that they go through in life. The artists volunteer their time and expertise to paint the shoes for these kids, which are paid for by sponsors. We are truly blessed to have them choose Landon for one of these amazing pairs of shoes.
As you can see from the above picture, he choose Jake and the Never Land Pirates as his 'theme' for his shoes. He was beyond excited, thrilled, whatever adjective you want to use to describe how incredibly happy he was to receive his shoes today. We are currently looking for the perfect 'pay it forward' to repay this amazing act of love and kindness that was bestowed upon Landon. He can't wait to wear them everywhere, but most especially to his Tgen Kickoff Party for the P.F. Changs Rock n' Roll Half Marathon here in AZ which happens to fall on his 5th birthday...perfect, right? I will be running for Landon, and would love to have a team to run with...if not, please run with us in spirit. His team information is here - Team Landon - Tgen Rock n' Roll for Rare Diseases.