Friday, October 25, 2013


Landon and I were recently presented with the opportunity to share his story about his life with VLCAD and Mito. A representative from GEMSS ( Genetics Educations Materials for School Success) contacted me through our FOD (Fatty Acid Oxidation Group) about Landon and his disease. They had visited the FOD page and saw his picture on the site as well as his diagnosis. We set up an interview as they wanted to use him on their site as a "Kids with VLCAD in the School" setting.

We were more than happy to tell them about our experience with Landon's Pre-School, because as you all know by now, we are all about raising awareness and helping bring information about VLCAD and Mito to the forefront. It was about a 45 minute long interview, and they were very nice. I told them all about our journey to diagnosis, Landon's hospitalizations, diet, medicines, life style, etc. GEMSS then took the information and then compiled it into a write up for their site.

Please take a minute to visit their site, and learn about not only Landon, but other children with Mito and Genetic Diseases. We feel very honored that they choose us and Landon's story to be show cased on their site.

Landon's Story for GEMSS
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