Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Innocent Heart Murmur

Landon had a Cardiologist Appointment this afternoon, because at his Geneticist check up in December they discovered that he had developed a small Systolic Heart Murmur. It raised a few flags, because he had not had one in the past but also because he has been classified as Non-Cardiac VLCADD. Geneticists decided that he needed to be seen annually by the Cardiologist for preventative measures. Landon had been in March of 2012 and nothing was detected then.

Landon did very well today, the only thing he was a bit unsure of was the scale to be weighed. He's been this way about scales recently, and the only thing I can think of is that he knows the scale is the 'gateway' per say to possible pokes and medical procedures. He's always weighed at the Pediatricians office where they give him shots and check his blood sugars when he sick. He's always weighed at the Geneticists office where they make me hold him down so they can draw blood (I hate that they make me do that, and always have), and he always gets weighed at the hospital when he's admitted where he gets poked for blood sugars several times a day, IV's, etc etc. After thinking about it, I can't blame the kid for not liking the scale.

They took his vitals, and then Dr. Blair (whom Landon just loves) came in and listened to his heart. We were in a room decked out with a Spider Man Theme, which happened to match Landon's shoes and he thought that was incredibly cool. Landon then had an EKG and and Echo Cardiogram. He sat perfectly still and watched Finding Nemo on the tv the whole time. The only thing he was concerned about was if we had passed the part in Finding Nemo with the sharks or compared to last year where he was freaking out about all of the wires, the ultrasound gel, the ultrasound wand, and anything and everything that was going on. I think his favorite part was getting a lollipop after he was done with the EKG and Echo, he even remember to thank the Ultrasound tech (it is getting through!).

Dr. Blair came back and said that everything looked good. He had an innocent murmur, that was not there last year, but it was not effecting the strength of his heart or him. Most kids should outgrow the murmur by their 20's, but we do want to keep an eye on it with his disease. He is to come back in a year an be re-checked, and it will continue annually until he and the Geneticist decide otherwise. Very relieved for the clean bill on his heart.

Landon getting his EKG and Echo Cardiogram. He requested a picture to 'show his friends how brave I am mommy.'

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

4 years old!

Landon turned 4 years old yesterday, I swear time is flying quicker the older he gets. Due to how visitation schedules fell this year, I had Landon for a few hours on his birthday, and did we have a lot of fun! He was able to pick everything that he wanted to do in the time that we had. This is a tradition in my family, that the person whose birthday it is, gets to pick the activities for the day. To me, it makes it extra special because it's everything the birthday person wants to do, which normally in every day life just isn't plausible. Landon chose to have dinner a 'Guys Five' (Five Guys), then he wanted to go bowling, and end our time with 'Cold' (Frost, it's a Gelato shop and within his diet restrictions!).

Landon loves, loves, loves 'Guys Five.' He's always asking me to go there, and we do frequent the place on a regular basis. I love that they have Kosher Hot Dogs and make their fries from scratch after you order them. He basically inhaled that, and then we headed to bowl. At first, I got him one of those little ramps and when he went up to bowl he goes, 'mommy I do NOT need this, I can roll the ball down with just a little help.' He was very insistent so after appeasing me and using the ramp about twice, he pushed it out of the way saying it was for Emeline when she came with us.

I managed to get a picture in the 2 seconds the ramp lasted with him. It was pushed aside just after this in lieu of 'big boy' bowling. 

We bowled 2 games, and Landon beat me and G in the last game, and G beat Landon and I in the first game. Landon bowled his first strike! He was so excited, jumping up and down saying 'woohoo I got my first strike mommy' and hugging and high fiving me and G over and over again. He loved bowling, he would give you a big huh, high five you, and jump up and down all excited no matter how many pins he did or did not knock down. It was great having so much fun with him and I know he reveled in the one on one time.

Landon and G with his strike ball! He was so excited as you can see!

The 'Little Help' that he needed rolling the ball!

To end our evening we went to 'Cold,' which is actually Frost gelato shop. Landon is constantly asking to go here, so it was only fitting he chose it for his birthday 'dessert.' He always gets the bubble gum gelato with 2 blue bubble gum balls, what can I say he's definitely a creature of habit...and male! This gelato only has around 100 calories, as well as being virtually fat free so it works with his diet and is a big treat for him as well. It's nice to have found something he can have and he really enjoys that won't blow his diet or effect him in any way.

I think my favorite part of the night was when I told him, "Happy Birthday Bub, I Love You.' To which he responded, 'thanks mom, I had the best birthday ever. Love you.' Melted my heart, and I was so glad he enjoyed himself and his birthday.

Landon and I being goofy while waiting for our turns to bowl

Landon's Favorite Things at Age 4:
Cheese Sandwhiches
Cheese Quesadillas
Hot Dogs
Those cutie clementines
Fruit Snacks
'Cold' Bubble Gum Gelato
Super Hero's, more specifically Batman, Iron Man, and Super Man
Texas Rangers Baseball
Monster Trucks
Texas, his bear

Landon told me when he grows up, he wants to be a Super Hero (said in an excited little boy voice while jumping).

My sweet, brave, amazing, silly, incredibly smart 4 year old! I love you Landon, you've been such an amazing addition to our lives and brought so much love and strength with you. Happy Birthday sweet boy!

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Monday, January 14, 2013

E turned Two!

My E bug turned 2 in early December. She had a great low key birthday with some of our closest friends, who so graciously helped her build her book library in lieu of actual toys. I found a cute poem for her invites and now we have lots of new books for bed time stories! She and Landon love picking out books to read, and as always I highly encourage them to read whenever they want too.

E's two year old stats are:

Height: 34.5 inches
Weight: 25.5 lbs
Head Circumference: 49.0

She's still a peanut with the big 'ol Goodman noggin! She may be fun sized, but she's a pistol. She's also the sweetest and most fun little girl ever. Her favorite things are: Dora, Babies (dolls and actual babies), Horsies, Princess, and Monkeys. She wants to be a Princess when she grows up, and her favorite food is cheese and french fries.

Looking forward to seeing what age 2 brings for Miss E. Love You Bug!
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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Blogger New Year

My goal this year, is to be a better blogger. Life has exploded lately and we have been so incredibly busy, that unfortunately the blog is what has been pushed to the way side. No longer though, I can find a few hours a week to blog and keep up with things. I have some catching up to do, such as talking about the AZ Mito Walk we had in December, E turned 2, and Landon will be 4 in a few shorts weeks...FOUR when the heck did that sneak up on me? Anyways, look for new posts and lots of pics. I will leave you with a few pictures from when the shorties and I were in Dallas back in mid October. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. We were blessed this year with amazing friends and family.

Landon and I goofing off at White Rock Lake, this little boy is the bravest kid I know and my motivation to get through all the tough times. If he can have gone through all that he has and still be positive, then anyone can. 

My E bug, we went to feed the ducks at White Rock Lake and I caught her eating the bread instead of throwing it to the birds.
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