Sunday, January 6, 2013

Blogger New Year

My goal this year, is to be a better blogger. Life has exploded lately and we have been so incredibly busy, that unfortunately the blog is what has been pushed to the way side. No longer though, I can find a few hours a week to blog and keep up with things. I have some catching up to do, such as talking about the AZ Mito Walk we had in December, E turned 2, and Landon will be 4 in a few shorts weeks...FOUR when the heck did that sneak up on me? Anyways, look for new posts and lots of pics. I will leave you with a few pictures from when the shorties and I were in Dallas back in mid October. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. We were blessed this year with amazing friends and family.

Landon and I goofing off at White Rock Lake, this little boy is the bravest kid I know and my motivation to get through all the tough times. If he can have gone through all that he has and still be positive, then anyone can. 

My E bug, we went to feed the ducks at White Rock Lake and I caught her eating the bread instead of throwing it to the birds.
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