Thanks for stopping by our new blog! I have set up this blog as part of a foundation I am starting called Landon's Place. I hope to provide information on VLCAD (Very Long Chain Acyl Dehydrogenaise Disorder) and other Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders, show that it is possible for children and families who have children with these disorders can live normal lives through my son, Landon and his adventures. I am also aiming to raise awareness of these disorders so other families will not be blind sided with the diagnosis like we were. My goal is for this foundation to be nationally recognized and well known, so there is awareness and knowledge of FAO disorders among everyone. I want to help fund research, provide scholarships for students to go into the Metabolic Genetics field, and for doctor every where to have knowledge and understanding of FAO (Fatty Acid Oxidation) Disorders. I also want every state to include FAO disorders in their newborn screenings...It could save so many lives and increase the quality lives in many others. I hope you will join in our cause and help make our foundation and our goals a success. I promise this blog will not be all medical will hopefully also include stories about Landon and other children who are living with this disorder daily and show their successes, joys in their daily lives, and adventures along the way. If you are a family with a child who has VLCAD or any FAO please contact me so I can share your story.
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